Massage For Recurring Pain

Recurring Pain Doesn’t Need To Be Unmanageable
Recurring pain can be managed through massage and many people seek massage for help dealing with consistent problem areas. Repeating an action over and over stresses the muscle and leads to tension. Continuing the same repetitive motion disallows the muscle to heal properly. Over time, the body reacts by tightening everything up in that area in an attempt to give it needed support. Which often leads to recurring, and sometimes chronic, pain and tension– sometimes referred to as a repetitive stress or repetitive motion injury.
- Stiffness
- Weakness
- Fatigue
- Difficulty using body part
- Waking up with pain
- Tingling, numbness and burning
- Recurring pain
- Lack of endurance
- Feeling of heaviness in body part
Feeling these sensations consistently in an area tells you that you need to start taking steps to care for that area. Your massage therapist can help you jump start your program to take control of your pain cycle. By applying directed techniques, targeted therapeutic massage can disrupt the pain cycle and relax the tension in the muscles and surrounding tissues. It can also help relieve any stress component that may be contributing to muscle tension.
One comment
March 29, 2016 at 11:36 pm
Thankyou for posting! I like your “warning signs”. People need consistent massage sessions to help alleviate their pain. 🙂